TACO II Flash Computer

Pump- & Metering Computer for Milk Collection
The TACO II Flash Computer from TARP DIESSEL is a data-collecting pump computer for milk collection in milk tankers.
TACO II Flash computer has an integrated Legal display that ensures accurate measurements for legal purposes and also allows viewing data from previous pickups.
The computer is mounted in the pump system on the tanker and registers the farmer/collection point, measures the collected milk, takes samples and controlls the pump system.
With an integrated GPS-system for tracking, identification and registration of the supplier and destination (such as CIP stations) the office can follw the milk tanker and the collected milk all the way. During a milk collection the TACO II computer takes samples of the collected milk - both supplier samples and load samples.
It is build to replace 1:1 the TARP DIESSEL and GEA Zevodat Flash Computer in the existing Zevodat Flash box.
TACO II Flash computer specifications:
- Builtin Legal display
- Registration of volume, temperature and pressure, control of the pump, control sampler and flow meter
- Wireless data communication with GPRS (4G) between the milk tanker and the dairy/factory
- Can control up to 4 individual samples during each collection
- The graphical display can be used in direct sunlight
- Over size keys: 15 function keys and 12 keys with numbers
- MID Approved, AUS Approved and NZ Approved
- Has a 112 mm receipt printer and a 55 mm label printer for bar code labels
TACO II Flash computer benefits:
- Legal display that shows the legal measurements and previous pickup data.
- Can be remote controlled by the helpdesk/supervisor
- Knows all active suppliers in the system and can identify them via GPS or RFID
- On arrival at a new farm, the TACO II computer is instantly downloads messages and lab data
- Secure communication via load balanced webservices
- Can be operated using touch or keyboard
- 5 pc customer key on the keyboard
- Tough design, developed to handle large temperature changes, dust and vibrations
- Can handle several milk products on the same milk tanker, at the same time
- Has a "mixing rules" for both compartments and pump system